05-12-2024 1:44:51 AM Potential yield

A report on the potential yield of a land plot has been added. The report displays the natural yield by basic crops, yield estimates, and averaged information on humus, acidity, weather, erosion, and elevation. Potential yields for basic crops are calculated based on 10 years of yield statistics. The report is available by cadastral number of the agricultural land plot and any point selected on the map. The report allows you to preliminarily assess the attractiveness of a land plot.

08-05-2024 11:40:53 AM Yield calculator

Information on soils, terrain and weather conditions has been expanded and is available via API request by cadastral number. Currently, you can get the following list of indicators: soil name, precipitation for the season, the sum of active temperatures for the season, acidity level, humus content, elevation, soil quality, agrochemical NPK indicators, soil erosion, soil filtration. A calculator of natural and potential yields for basic crops has been developed, with the ability to check the economic feasibility of using fertilizers to increase yields.

26-04-2024 11:31:11 AM Object properties

Now you can edit the display parameters of a layer and selected objects directly in the layer editing window. You can adjust the display not only in the map project, but also in the layer. In the layer editing window, you can change the line parameters, polygon fill, and marker icon. This approach makes it easier to create a map with different styles of objects.

13-01-2024 1:13:35 AM Registration is open

In order to further develop and support the GISFile project, a registration fee for using the basic features of the resource is introduced. This changes doesn't apply to users who have paid for tariff plans before. Thank you for the cooperation!

02-12-2023 1:11:02 AM Soil layer added

The soil layer has been added: when you click on the map, a window opens with the name of the soil and the productivity level. An additional service is also available to generate a detailed report by cadastral number, which includes information on humus content, acidity, precipitation, active temperatures, relief, and vegetation indices for the last 5 years. In the future, the available data can be used to calculate natural and potential productivity for basic crops.

31-05-2019 1:59:14 PM Geoinformation system "Open Access"

ShelS Company has developed a geoinformation system with interactive maps: "Water Resources", "Atmospheric Air" and "EcoFinance" ordered by the public organization "Open Society Foundation" for the project "Open Access". The system allows you to monitor the environment and conduct anti-corruption investigations. The developed solution can be integrated into the future nationwide automated system "Open Environment".

24-04-2019 5:31:41 PM System Solutions REST API

The GISFILE team has developed the System Solutions REST API for tracking equipment with an RTK signal and obtaining movement routes.

16-02-2019 12:21:34 PM The map of Ukraine

GISFILE and MAPGEOSYSTEM teams have made a stylized map of Ukraine. We used vector layers by MAPGEOSYSTEM to make the map. The map is available for use on gisfile.com

18-10-2018 5:51:46 PM Job at GISFile.com

All involved in GIS technology or develop interactive maps will be useful GISFile platform designed for efficient search of developers. The list of jobs is constantly updated. Perhaps someone will be interested in such work. By selecting a job, you can offer yourself as a developer.

17-09-2018 5:06:03 PM Bind images

The layer editor has the ability to load and coordinate images in jpeg, png and svg formats up to 50MB in size. Supports the ability to download multiple images, offset, rotate, zoom, import and export in geojson format. There is a possibility of changing the transparency, moving the image above and below to other layers. Such an opportunity will allow to do vectorization/digitization of small images fastly.