The service GISFile allows to create maps and install the necessary tools for working with them in your web pages and applications

Public map

Searching objects and information on the map, uploading files (xml, in4, geojson, kmz, kml, gpx, csv), measuring and navigation


User guide, video, presentation of the GISFile. Descriptions for integration with programs GIS 6 and MapDraw 2 ...


The API functions and components to accommodate interactive maps GISFile on Web pages and applications ...

Capabilities GISFile

Description of the possibilities of social service for a wide range GISFile GEO-spatial tasks ...

Examples of maps and layers

Examples of displaying map with objects, geospatial images and tiles. Creating and editing of the map layers ...

JavaScript API

The JavaScript API for placing maps, layers or marks in the web pages and applications ...

Map Designer

The Map designer making the Html and JavaScript code of map that can be used in the websites and applications ...

Open source

Open source code for free use under the BSD license

Try it for free

Sign up for free and you can quickly to create your maps and get access to existing layers and maps ...